Join us in our mission to provide innovative training and services, fostering independence and creativity amongst adults with disabilities in Gulfport.

Our Services

Free TO Rock

Engage in hands-on workshops to develop skills music and creativity.

Art Therapy

Experience a therapeutic approach using diverse art mediums to express emotions and enhance well-being.

Job Placement Support

Receive personalized guidance and resources to secure meaningful employment opportunities. Including a new food truck initiative.

Our Story

ProjectFREE is dedicated to empowering adults with disabilities through innovative training programs and support services.

Founded with a passion for inclusivity and creativity, ProjectFREE began its journey in Gulfport, nurturing independence and skill development.


Skill Building

Engage in tailored programs to enhance skills and unleash potential.


Creativity Workshops

Partake in creative activities that nurture self-expression and confidence.


Community Integration

Join events and initiatives that promote inclusivity and social interaction.

Why Rock Out With Us?

Empowering Growth

We empower individuals to grow and excel in their unique abilities.

Innovative Approach

We employ cutting-edge techniques and ideas to create impactful change.

Community Engagement

We foster community connections and promote social inclusion every step of the way.

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